Friday, October 28, 2011

Another great interview by a reader.

Known as the mysterious Jenn P aka Texas Long Hair, I can be found either blogging on my site or moderating a fantastic group on called 
Creative Reviews.
I am a book reviewer, beta reader, and aspiring author.
When I am not doing any of the above, I am taking care of my amazing son and trying to make the best out of what life has to offer.

First off, can I just say that you are seriously one of my favorite tweeters?
You send tweets that will either make me laugh or make me think, I never know what to expect except that I know I will love them!

1.       What genre do you prefer to read?
            Paranormal. Though I am a little tired of the Vampire scene and not a big shifter fan.
            I also enjoy Thriller, Suspense and Horror.

2.    Is there a favourite book you’ve read more than a few times because you found the story so engrossing?
            Season of Passage by Christopher Pike. It was one of my favorite books as a teen and I still             pick it up every now and again.

3.       Do you read paperbacks or ebooks more?
            Before baby, it was paper or hardbacks, since my son is now walking and climbing and such,          it’s ebooks all the way!

4.       If you have an ereader has your reading increased or changed in any way?
            Nope :)

5.       Have you ever thought of penning a book yourself?
            Actually, I just wrote a short story that will be in a anthology where are the proceeds will go to         women and children who have been victims of domestic violence.

6.       What makes a book an absolute must read in your eyes? Is it characterisation or plot that’s more important?
            Characters can be developed but with no plot, there is no story.

7.       In the ebook world what do you consider is the best way to grab a reader’s attention?
            Sadly, I’m all about covers, something that really screams, “READ ME!”

8.       Name 6 authors you’d invite to dinner.
            Christopher Pike,Lizzy Ford, Cambria Hebert,C.S. Splitter, Addison Moore, and you!!!!

9.       If you were stranded on a desert island what three items would you take with you?
            Iphone, soda and my contour pillow.

Thank Jenn, I'm glad you enjoy my tweets! ;-)

1 comment:

  1. Jenn is a great beta reader and I always send my stuff to her for her opinion. She got my new book before anyone else because I knew she would tell me whether or not it was any good. And she knows everyone!

